Power of Interfaces 2022


The “Power of Interfaces 2022” meeting (PoI22) has taken place on October 5th-7th in Palma, Mallorca. It hosted three related events: the Harvestore and Epistore projects meetings, a school and the workshop, with 83 participants from 11 different institutions.

This is the third edition of the workshop, being the first one in 2020 at the Royal Society in London, and the second one in 2021 online.

PoI22 participants at the entrance of the historical CaixaForum building

During the Harvestore and Epistore project meetings, representatives of all the consortiums partners have discussed the status of the projects and the future actions. In the case of the Epistore project, it has been the first in-person meeting.

The School covered aspects of fundamentals of oxide chemistry, ion transport, electrochemical devices and advanced characterization techniques. The participants had the opportunity to learn from exceptional lecturers: Ainara Aguadero, Stephen Skinner, Louis De Taeye, Juergen Fleig, Miguel Laguna, John Kilner and Dino Klotz.

On the 6th and 7th of October, the PoI22 workshop has been celebrated. It included seven different sessions: Advanced techniques, Devices, New Materials, Interfaces and surfaces, Modelling and Protonics. Outstanding keynotes have been presented by Nicola Perry, Magda Titirici, Miguel Laguna, John Irvine, Alexander Opritz, Aleksandar Staykov, Sossina Haile, Hiroshige Matsumoto and Dino Klotz, in addition a series of invited and contributed talks. A poster session took place the 6th in the afternoon. At the end of the event the “Early career best poster” and “Early career bet oral presentation” prizes were awarded.

Nicola Perry during her talk (left); Alexander Opitz during his talk (centre); Early career best poster and best oral presentation wards (right)

Beside the interesting scientific presentations, during the PoI22 event there was also time for informal networking. The welcome reception took place at a micro-brewing were participant could taste local craft beer and food. Invited speakers and project leaders were invited to a Gala dinner at the Xalest restaurant. In addition, the well-known Moltabarra bar was suggested for social gathering the last evening, with fun and vermut.

Welcome reception (left); Gala dinner (centre); Social gathering (right)

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