

18M general Epistore meeting

October 8, 2022|Epistore | 1 Min Read

The 18M General Epistore Meeting took place on October 5 in Mallorca. It was the first project meeting were the partners meet in person. Many interesting aspects of the project […]

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Power of Interfaces 2022

October 7, 2022|Epistore | 2 Min Read

The “Power of Interfaces 2022” meeting (PoI22) has taken place on October 5th-7th in Palma, Mallorca. It hosted three related events: the Harvestore and Epistore projects meetings, a school and […]

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EMRS 2022 Fall Meeting

September 20, 2022|Epistore | 1 Min Read

The EMRS 2022 Fall Meeting is taking place this week in Warsaw. Epistore together with the sister projects Hysolchem, LightCap and Electro-Intrusion have organized the Breakthrough zero-emissions energy storage and […]

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Science week at schools – video

September 16, 2022|Epistore | 1 Min Read

Don’t miss out on the amazing video prepared for Science Week by our colleagues at the Nanoinics and fuel cell research group from IREC. In the video, they explain their […]

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Check our last publications!

February 21, 2022|Epistore | 1 Min Read

EPISTORE kick-starts 2022 with two new publications: F. Chiabrera, F. Baiutti, D. Diercks, A. Cavallaro, A. Aguadero, A. Morata, A. Tarancón“Visualizing local fast ionic conduction pathways in nanocrystalline lanthanum manganite […]

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Advanced tools for material characterization

January 24, 2022|Epistore | 1 Min Read

Epistore in collaboration with Harvestore organized a workshop on January 21st on advanced tools for material characterization, where some key techniques were introduced. Speakers from IREC, ICL, CNRS, KIT, RWTH […]

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Check out our conference and seminar contributions

December 3, 2021|Epistore | 1 Min Read

Below you can find the conference contribution of different members of EPISTORE S. Skinner “Isotopic labelling and diffusion studies of functional oxides for energy technologies” (Invited talk), CEITEC, Brno, Czechia. […]

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First general meeting

October 5, 2021|Epistore | 1 Min Read
Last October 4 the first general meeting of the Epistore project took place. During the meeting 32 participants from our 12 partners had the opportunity to share the technical and [...]
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E4F Postdoctoral Fellowships opportunity

June 14, 2021|Epistore | 1 Min Read

A new opportunity for postdoctoral fellowships have been awarded as part of the H2020-MSCA-COFUND-2020 programme. Imperial College is a partner in this activity and will be happy to host fellows. […]

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The EPISTORE project was presented today at the Reseach Meets Industry event hold by FET Briefing

April 21, 2021|Epistore | 1 Min Read

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